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The future of alternate energy in a
helps you save 75% on power bills
My name is Todd Harper, and I have one question for you:
Tired to put money in the wallets of big corporate energy and oil fat cats?
If your answer is YES then it’s time to fight back and grab their greasy wallets, and stop them committing these highway robberies every day.
In this short and controversial video you will find out how to beat insane fuel prices and electric bills, the only thing I ask you, is to have an open mind and willingness to listen.
Want to know the solution?
You won’t believe me if I don’t show you this short video from NBC news showing how the police are using such a setup to run their cars:
YES! The solution is water.
What Big Corporations doesn't want you to know is that ANYBODY can run a car on water.
There's nothing to it and YOU can do it! You can defeat the global corporate hogs who want to extort 3.7 DOLLARS A GALLON from you!
The truth is finally coming out, after decades of lies, manipulation, and deception.
Because Big Thirsty Money Oil and Energy Corporations KNOW that a car or an energy generator can use water to run.
In the hands of the people, it will lay waste to Big Oil and Energy profits like a Biblical plague of locusts, and this scares them. And they are willing to do anything in their power to prevent this from happening.
Here are some examples:
The miracle brain inventor of a working
free energy fuel cell, was poisoned.
The great researcher, who threatened Big Oil
with another kind of fuel cell, lived in fear for
his life, was pushed down stairs to his death in
his South Central Carolina home.
The most important designer of a vehicle that run without gasoline, was still in prison when he died. His secrets died with him.
These Freedom Fighters fought Big Energy and Oil Corporations and lost.
They have made the ultimate sacrifice so that today you can continue the fight and quit being a slave to those greedy thirsty money fat cats.
You can stop wasting thousands of your hard-earned dollars, putting them in the pockets of these Big Oil and Energy, instead put it in your pocket were it belongs.
Let me break something to you. These big corporations lost their attention this time, they missed one brilliant inventor.
They messed up big time with Paul Pantone, before he died.
Before he died Paul Pantone, made sure that his secrets were kept hidden, guarded by people he trusted.
The shock will hit you hard when you will learn the simple truth about the water-power generator and car.
The same fueled generator can be used to run a motorcycle, a speedboat, even an entire house.
In a few minutes from now you will be furious that you ever gave a single cent to these Corporate Oil/Energy Companies.
Just imagine your savings then.
Save hundreds of dollars each month no more being gouged at the gas pump cut your electric bill by 75% even get rid of it completely and never pay Big Oil another penny!
You could even end up with the electricity company sending you checks! Run your car, your boat and your house on water!
The way you live today is possible thanks to these great minds. You may not realize that all this innovations came with a price for these magnificent people.
They sacrificed their intimacy and private lives to provide freedom for the entire world, and doing so they died unhappy, lonely and poor, or so the story unfolds to the masses.
Our water-powered hydrogen generator has already got people excited – like
James J. Green from Austin, Texas, who told us:
“I showed my water-powered generator which power my house to my neighbor and it blew his mind. He said it’s a miracle. I think it scared him so much he stopped drinking!”
Then there’s Fred Small from Kansas who says:
"I've been driving my free electricity-no gas car all around town. Do you think I'm going to put a big sign on it and say 'WATER POWERED CAR'? Hell, no! But I am going to save a heck of a lot of money. Next I'm going to get to work on generating the power I need to get off the freaking grid!"
As you are about to find out, all of this is way easier than you think.
Your Big Oil corporate masters want you to behave like a good little puppet.
They don't want you to know that you can do this -- and not only that, that it's really pretty doggone easy!
Yes, ANYBODY can do it (with the right instructions)!
Remember the steam engine?
There have been half a dozen working water-powered cars since the early 1800s.
But back then Big Oil and Big Energy didn’t exist so nobody gave a crap.
When these Fat Cats took over the power, the simple powerful proven secrets behind this hydrogen-water engine got locked up tighter than Fort Knox.
There are many more unsung energy heroes, courageous inventors who risked everything, that were threatened, slimed, ruined, discredited or even killed by these Big Evil Corporations, because they fought for your energy freedom.
The Paul Pantone story could end up in tragedy for him. Instead, when he saw what he was up against, he wisely made sure his secrets are well hidden and his dream will live on, by perfecting his water-powered generator in secret.
Let me tell you the forgotten story of a Free Energy Genius – Paul Pantone.
In 1942, Henry Wallace, the Vice President of the United States, saw Pantone run a car on water power.
Right after the Wallace demonstration, the President of Bolivia witnessed the live proof as well.
They both told Pantone that he was invited to the Military Intelligence of the United States with his revolutionary invention.
He was invited to see Chief Military Intelligence Service of the United States War Department.
At that time, it was believed that the generator might be helpful to the U.S. war efforts.
In April of that year, Mr. Pantone successfully demonstrated his generator to the Bureau of Standards in Washington DC and applied for a U.S. patent.
But, because there was a war going on, all U.S. patents had to be sealed for one year.
After the year was up, Pantone received a letter from the patent office stating that because of the high cost of aluminum and magnesium (the two metals used in his invention) that his patent was impractical.
His patent attorney, after several letters to the patent office, also advised him to shelve his patent until a later date, as petroleum was still believed plentiful and cheap.
In the 1970 ´s, when air pollution and oil shortage became a problem, Pantone "un-shelved" his generator believing that the time was finally right.
He secured a U.S. patent and a few years later, he received patents from Germany, Brazil and Japan.
Fresh from his success with the patent process, Pantone believed he was just a few short steps away from changing the world!
The naive and overly trusting inventor was eager to make history. After all, Pantone had been more than patient.
In February of 1974, with the hopes of acquiring government backing and support, Pantone demonstrated his water fuel cell to Congressman Robert Roe.
Mr. Roe seemed impressed and said that he would bring it to the attention of Washington officials.
Upon leaving, Mr. Pantone invited the congressman to another demonstration he had planned later that year at Point Pleasant, New Jersey.
Congressman Roe was invited to take part in a history making voyage; the first power boat ride fueled by seawater.
Many newspapers were invited as well.
Congressman Roe did not show up and neither did many newspapers. Mr. Pantone never heard from the Congressman again about his invention or the promise to bring it to the attention of appropriate Washington officials, but his voyage was a success.
History was made on July 17th, 1974 when a 26 foot power boat ran for nine hours using the Pantone generator and seawater for fuel, putting back into the oceans its waste, only clean water.
Pantone also had his invention analyzed by independent experts. The Pantone generator passed all tests at the New Jersey Gollob Analytical Service Corporation Labs in September of 1973, and in 1979.
Nan Waters, a consulting chemist with the Aesop Institute analyzed the generator and wrote the following report:
"I have read the literature relating to Pantone´s hydrogen generator. In my opinion, there is no reason why it would not to work as described.”
Basically, he has combined in one device three very simple chemical principles;
a) The use of active metals to produce hydrogen from water,
b) The differing electrical potential of two metals to produce an electrical current,
c) The use of electrical current to produce hydrogen from water by electrolysis.
All the ideas are well known; they simply haven´t been put together this way before. It is so simple and elegant. "
In other words, IT WORKED!
Like many other brilliant, blindly optimistic and sadly unrealistic inventors before and after him, next Pantone tried to get Big Oil, the automobile industry arm of that ugly global octopus -- interested in his invention.
However, despite overwhelming evidence that it worked, he was again confronted with skepticism or ignored.
He contacted energy companies and one such company, Consolidated Edison, sent a research chemist to see the generator in action.
The chemist was enthusiastic about the invention but when he took it back to his company, he told Mr. Pantone later, his company had no interest.
He sent details of his invention to all the major oil companies.
The response was either cool or nonexistent.
One oil company returned all papers to him in an unmarked envelope and then after a two hour meeting with him, a representative told him, "We are in the oil business. Your invention, if we were to develop it, would be against our interests."
Reading between the lines, Big Oil was admitting that Pantone’s invention would put them out of business!
In 1977, Pantone used his generator to provide all the power for his neighbor's new house. The New Jersey Commissioner of Energy and their staff saw the demonstration but did nothing about it.
Blocked by Big Oil...and getting nowhere with government and the energy industry, Pantone now turned to the news and entertainment media.
In 1980, it seemed like Pantone's prayers had been answered.
The popular CBS TV news program "60 Minutes" called him.
They said they were impressed by his demonstrations and wanted to do a whole show about his water powered generator.
The camera crew arrived on schedule and videotaped everything. All went well with the live demonstrations of powering a hydrogen burner, operating an electric motor, filling a balloon with gas and running a torch that burned through ¾ thick steel plate with his water fuel hydrogen generator.
For the finale, Pantone was going to run a lawnmower on water.
Embarrassed by his old funky lawnmower, he had gone out and bought a shiny brand new one.
Unfortunately, he did not have time to test it.
When he ran it for the live demonstration in front of the "60 Minutes" cameras, the brand new lawnmower choked and died.
The 60 Minutes crew reassured Pantone and told him not to worry.
They said they had enough footage of the successful demonstrations to complete a program.
When the "60 Minutes" show finally aired, Pantone was devastated.
The ONLY part of the impressive demonstration that they included was the failed lawnmower. They claimed his invention was a fraud!
Big Oil owns Big Media, too. They made sure that Pantone’s moment of fame went up in flames.
They succeeded. After their deceptive media smear campaign, Pantone was at first devastated by this betrayal.
However, his belief system that motivated his research for 50 years, despite the obstacles and frustrations experienced along the way, kept him focused.
In 1986, he wrote to the Department of Energy about his generator, addressing each of their points with technical data on his system, showing them that the system he developed would overcome the obstacles they described.
His detailed response was ignored.
After a lifetime of effort to help the world, he remains firm in his convictions. He humbly but strongly believes in the words of an old wise man who once told him, "SON, God put on your shoulders something very big. Do not ask yourself, why me? Think why not me?"
Pantone labored in obscurity until he died a sad quiet forgotten death forgotten, that is, until now.
Why now?
It turns out that Pantone's grandson holds the patent rights to the Pantone Generator and the blueprints.
He's kept them closely guarded and safe from harm, a valuable family legacy. The plans are intact. They are ready to power your car right now!
So how exactly does the Pantone generator work?
So how exactly does the Pantone generator work?
The way the Pantone generator produces hydrogen fuel to power a car is surprisingly basic.
A big part of the water powered car secret is that a whopping 80 % of the energy produced by burning the gasoline goes straight out the exhaust! That's because heat is being used to produce the energy. In contrast, hydrogen made from water via the simple yet ingenious self-stimulating electrical release system used by the Pantone generator has TWO AND ONE-HALF times the combustion output of gasoline with only a fraction of the heat.
Just force the piston down with a blast of combustion - and you're good to go!
Pantone's amazing free electricity invention is a simple "bi-polar” hydrogen extraction device that produces electricity from water. It combines magnesium and aluminum to produce voltage for a current. The resulting electrical current acts to instantly output hydrogen from the water.
Here's a demonstration of how it works:
Anybody can create this device. That of course is the real reason; this life changing free energy information has been suppressed. Fortunately the Pantone free energy patents, plans and blue prints are intact. I was able to locate them. I reconstructed the critical missing pieces.
While I’m not allowed to legally manufacture and sell Pantone-type hydrogen power generators, there is nothing stopping me from educating the public and showing you EXACTLY step-by-step ON VIDEO how to do it.
I totally understand that you may not be a do it yourselfer type of guy.
I get that and I took care of that problem.
And if you are, well then, we just made it that much easier for you!
Here’s a video demostration of Pantone’s Generator Working.
I’ve put together an expert team of scientists and engineers to break it down and spell it out for you.
Everything is explained in complete step by step detail in my one of a kind guide. It is all laid out plainly to the point that a child could put a Pantone generator together by following my instructions.
But pay attention... because without our expert help it's a different story.
Even if you find patents for the Pantone hydrogen generator for the water-fueled card floating around the Internet, you need our help to convert those patents into a water powered car.
But don't worry... we really have made it incredibly easy for you.
No, you do not have to be any kind of DIY hobbyist or tinkerer, and it may even be better if you aren't because then you will have an open mind ready for our step by step video instructions.
According to AAA, the average American drives 1,000 miles a month. With an average of 20 miles per gallon for American automobiles, that comes to 50 gallons a month.
At $3 a gallon, that's $150 a month or $1,800 a year.
Of course, that's year in and year out.
So let's look at your cost of driving over the next 10 years. Since it will go up to $5 a gallon this year, let’s look at that.
Over 10 years, you’re looking at $1.800 a year. That comes to $18.000.
Over 20 years, that's going to be at least $36.000 (and probably $40.000 or even more).
That's what you will save if you don't have to buy gas from Big Oil – at least $50,000!
What if times get really tough? What if we are hit by hyperinflation and gas is impossible to buy?
Then your Pantone generator water-powered car will be worth its weight in gold!
Let’s talk about that $150 a month that you will be saving month after month.
Just imagine what you could do with an extra $150 a month.
Multiply that by every car that gets routinely driven in your household, and you're starting to talk about one very big pile of hard cold cash -- real money!
Do you want to go out and have that special fancy meal you've been talking about?
What about that week-long vacation?
Or maybe it's a big screen TV that's got you excited?
Maybe it's just better nutrition for the kids... or helping them get through college.
Whatever it is, you're going to have an extra $2.500 per household vehicle available to you.
For reasons we will explain in a moment, our easy step by step guide to building a Pantone hydrogen generator for your car has been out for only a short time.
In that brief period, we were able to sell just below 400 copies. Even with that small number sold, we've gotten some rave testimonials because, well, it is producing some outstanding results.
Mike Merz from Idaho told us:
"I was driving a gas guzzler. Your numbers were way too low. In fact, my car was costing me way more to run. Now I'm set free from the gas companies. Trust me, it's gonna be our little secret!"
Jimmy Delouise from Exton, Pennsylvania wrote:
"The Pantone generator cost me $49 in parts and a few hours of my time in my garage. The parts were easy to find. Your instructions were like reading A-B-C."
Steven Hill from Seattle, Washington said recently:
"I thought this was going to be difficult because I've never done anything like this. Well, it turned out to be way easier than I expected. The truth is, this stuff isn't hard at all - at least not with the detailed step by step instructions that your team of experts put together for me. I was mad as hell about paying through the nose
just to drive to work and get food for my family. Now I have peace of mind."
Hundreds of other satisfied users are secretly changing their lives and saving hundreds of dollars each month.
Remember, the numbers quoted above - at $3 a gallon, that's $150 a month or $1.800 a year - that's PER PERSON.
Not to mention you will become a real hero to your wife and kids and probably to your friends and relatives, too. You will be a rebel with a great cause.
People will want to know how you're doing it. You could be the local free energy guru and get paid to show them what you’re doing.
The truth is you NEED this if you are ever going to break free of the Big Oil Mafia's control over your life, your wallet and your freedom.
What we've seen so far in terms of gas hikes is nothing compared to what's coming. Even 3 bucks a gallon may be a bargain in the coming crisis!
Experts on the global economy are expecting wars to be fought over oil and natural gas. This is an opportunity you simply cannot afford to pass up.
We've taken the Paul Pantone's complex patents, diagrams and designs, made for his use only, and converted them into everyday English so that even if you have trouble driving in a nail or using a tape measure, even if you're not the least bit "handy," you can definitely do this... easily... and have fun while you do it.
We call it: Energy Independence Army
Here's what you will get in the one of a kind how to guide created by our team of experts just for people like you who are ready to take matters in their own hands and wave goodbye to the Big Oil and Big Energy Mafia once and for all.
How to make you own Energy Independence Army generator in about 5 hours from parts that are easy to find at your local stores... all for under $50.
How to outfit cars, boats, motorcycles, RVs, buses - whatever you're into, even your home.
Since you stand to save a good $40,000 over the next 20 years PER VEHICLE with the Energy Independence Army generator, we could easily charge $1,000 for our step by step detailed plans and blueprints.
But the truth is we are reluctant to charge anything at all. Like you, we are here to fight the free energy fight.
But there is a problem with that kind of financial sacrifice, and that problem, in the politest and least offensive language that we can muster, is:
Lawsuit Attacks By Big Oil and Big Energy Companies and the Massive Legal Fees We Must Pay to Defend Ourselves.
Yes, the last time we released this information on how to build the Energy Independence Army hydrogen generator Big Oil unleashed its corrupt corporate legal devil dogs on us.
They hammered us mercilessly with endless lawsuits and pulled every nasty trick in the book.
The only thing we could do was shut our web site down. This was a sad day for us.
We were discouraged and depressed.
404 Error file not found on website page
By the greedy oppressive powers that be, the Big Oil Mafia, the Global Corporate Energy Cartel and more!
You know who we mean!
Our web site was open just a few weeks last time. In that time period, we were able to sell almost 400 copies.
But then we got shut down by the legal threats. So consider this latest effort an experiment.
If their deadly dogs of legal war come after us again as fiercely with sharp teethbared and thirsting for blood like they did last time, we cannot say for sure we will be open for even the 2 weeks.
So consider yourself lucky -- you found us just in time!
We came up with a number to cover our legal fees.
Then there's research and development.
Obviously, our team of expert scientists and engineers cannot afford to work for free. They have families to feed.
Okay, here's what we were able to do for you. We worked hard to find a financial “sweet spot.” You will get instant access to the blueprints, to our detailed simple step by step guide (suitable even if you've got "two thumbs"), and the master list of all the tools, parts and supplies... for just $42.
Just click the 'Get Started Now' button below to get the blueprints immediately.
That's probably a whole lot less than what you pay for gas right now each week!
We think it is more than fair -- $42.
It's up to you if that's really fair or not, of course.
We know that we need to have a legal fund. And we know this price is the lowest we can go and still be able to run our underground free electricity-free energy information service to people like you and a world that desperately needs this powerful knowledge.
Frankly, there are other major expenses we have that we can't even get into here but let's just say they have to do with being able to stay under and hidden from Big Brother's snoopy radar!
We think we can justify charging this small reasonable amount because it helps us keep doing what we are doing. If we don't charge anything, then we simply cannot afford to offer this information again... and we don't see how that makes any sense.
It will just mean that the Big Oil and Energy Mafia have won again.
Our enemies have all the money in the world. It's safe to say we know who is running this world - and it's not the good guys like you and us!
Obviously, you will make back your investment of $42 in a week or two, certainly in a month.
Driving around so free, finally independent of our energy overlords, you will feel like a king!
It's real easy to get our exclusive one of a kind step by step guide to the Energy Independence Army power generator.
Just click the orange "Get Started Now" button below.
You will be taken to our secure order page.
In case you're worried about this expense, please don't be. You are completely covered by our full Money Back Guarantee for 60 days.
Yes, that's two whole months you will have to prove to yourself that our unique simple easy manual, not available anywhere else, is all that we say it is.
No worries, we won't ask you any questions. We will just be delighted that you gave it a try.
After all, we're all in this together.
It's only a matter of time until the people rise up and say "We've had enough! We're not going to take this anymore!"
Well, we are all "the people" together, so you better believe we will honor our 60 day "No Questions Ever" money-back guarantee to you.
So don't worry about the price. It doesn't matter. You're helping us. We're helping you. That's how it should be, don't you agree?
It really couldn't be any simpler or easier.
Just grab the Energy Independence Army plans now and give them a true test drive.
You will have a full 60 days (that's a long time).
So there's no rush.
We understand there can be delays.
So take your time and give our guide a full evaluation. If you're not completely satisfied in every way, then we insist that you take advantage of our Unconditional Money Back Guarantee!
So go ahead.... click the orange "Get Started Now" button below and grab your copy of the complete step by step z plans with everything included.
The complete detail... with a list of all the tools, parts and materials, too.
We do need to warn you. You really do need to take action now.
Our resources are limited.
We know that THEY know about this web site.
Our vow to you is we will regroup and reopen for business, at least for another spell, but frankly, this is your chance right now. This is a special opportunity because the free Internet junk out there about the Energy Independence Army generator is just not enough for you to go on.
We needed out team of experts to make sense out of it and make it truly doable for you and, really, for anybody.
So please don't mess around and delay... this opportunity may never appear again. Apart from any legal hassles, there is also the very real possibility that we will piss off somebody powerful and high up and they will pull out all of the stops in order to get us put in jail, and even in prison.
You know this is entirely possible, and the only reason it hasn't happened yet is that they don't perceive us as a big enough threat yet.
But soon they will... and then all hell will break loose!
So join us in the noble fight for free electricity and final liberation from the gas tyrants!
Fight the free energy fight with us and defeat the greedy corporate energy monopoly monster!
At long last pull the plug on Big Bad Oil! They've been riding on our backs for too long!
Enough is enough!
It's time to show them who is really the boss... it's we the people!
Remember, there truly is no risk to you at all and you will get the complete plans immediately.
Just click the orange "Get Started Now" button below, and you will get the Energy Independence Army Generator blueprints and video step-by-step guide.
Yes, we are hearing more and more success reports from users of our free electricity plans, but that's a two-edged sword. The more people know about us, the more visible we will become.
The more visible we are, the sooner they will shut us down.
It's a stupid ugly game, but they really do want us gone.
Do I need to remind you about the incredible amount of money you will be saving each and every month?
It's a good $150 a month at least for each vehicle in your household! That will buy a lot of home cooked steaks... or fresh vegetable juice drinks, if that's your thing. It will buy new clothes. You can start a new home business with it.
We do sincerely hope to sell more than 400 copies this time, but like we said, it's not up to us.
You really could come back to this very same web site address tomorrow - maybe even later today - and find that it is gone. So please do the smart thing and take action now.
Yes, you have to pull the trigger. We can't do it for you. But what we can do for you is assume ALL of the risk for you, and that is exactly what we have done.
You will have a full 60 days where you will be covered by our "No Questions Ever" Money Back Guarantee.
Considering the many thousands of dollars you will be saving, with no risk to you at all it really does seem like it is a no brainer.
Just imagine what you will be able to do with your hundreds of dollars surplus each month! Yes, month after month you will enjoy that wonderful stress-free feeling. At last, the financial pressure is off. It was like a bad dream and now it's over.
It will all be because of one little purchase and a few hours tinkering in the garage.
Now you're the local hero, too. Your kids, your wife, your friends, your relatives, they all now know about the real you, the courageous community leader that you always were deep down inside.
Yes, this is about hitting the Big Oil Fat Cats right where it hurts - in the money bags!
Your example will inspire others. For all we know, the revolution is finally at hand. This quiet revolution is the silent transfer of power, the moving of the energy source from their hands into yours.
Then, virtually overnight, they are the rulers over nothing. That is where this will end up, with us on top.
So strike a blow against the global Big Oil and Energy Monster. We can chop its head off when we fight together.
Go ahead - click the orange "Get Started Now" button below and, you will be taken to our secure order page.
Go ahead - click the orange "Get Started Now" button below and, you will be taken to Clickbanks secure order page.
They are easily one of the biggest and most trusted online merchants in the world.
They handle many thousands of secure transactions every day so there is no risk to you. You're totally covered by our Money-Back Guarantee for a full 60 days.
There will be no questions from us. It's an unconditional guarantee, one of the most generous and reliable anywhere online, so you really do have zero risk. That’s even up to the very last minute of the very last day.
After you've finalized your payment, you will be taken to our private Member's Area. This is where we keep the Energy Independence Army plans, blueprints, guide, lists, and much more, including a surprise gift just to show you how much we appreciate you joining us and taking action.
To get the step by step plans, the materials list, the blueprints, the color photos showing everything and much, much more for the underground "free electricity" Energy Independence Army generator that really does work (after all, we did prove it to you over and over again), click the "Get Started Now" button below now:
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